The Magician: Yes or No?
The answer to your questions is: . .. ... YES!
During those moments when you sit and picture how you’d love your life to look like, what image comes up? Do you believe in that image becoming a reality in the next five years or more? Well, having drawn the Magician tarot card is a sign that you have the potential to bridge the gap between your dreams and reality. You do possess the knowledge, willpower, and skills to manifest your desires!
Uncovering The Magician Card Meaning
Sometimes, dreaming big in this highly competitive world sounds illegal. There is so much to deal with as you grow towards achieving your dreams. Yes, the journey is daunting. One that might make you feel like giving up. However, when the Magician visits, it means your path is aligned with powerful forces, working to make your desires a reality.
The Magician tarot card symbolizes manifestation, creativity, confidence, and skills, all powered by spiritual and material forces.
On the card is a magician raising a wand towards the sky and the other hand pointing towards the earth. This shows that you have the potential to channel universal energy from the unknown realm to favor your success in the material realm.
Having the wand in hand shows that there exists creative-problem solving skills and focused action in you. This means you have the determination and inspiration to overcome obstacles as you move towards achieving various goals.
Moreover, there is a lemniscate loop on the head of the Magician, indicating the never ending journey of learning, growth, and mastery. The loop reminds you to embrace the fact that self-discovery and growth does not stop even after making your dreams a reality.
Guidance and Warnings
If you are yet to find a partner, the Magician tarot suggests that now is the time to put yourself out there. Also, if you are already in a relationship, the Magician reminds you that growth is coming your way. However, both of you should be ready to utilize your willpower and skills to overcome the challenges accompanying the instances of growth.
Speaking of your career, the Magician card indicates that you have the potential to manifest aspirations and goals. Your intentions and efforts are aligned, meaning it is time to leverage your expertise, talents, and skills to progress in your professional life.
Even when your life and spiritual journey seem daunting, drawing the Magician card serves as a sign that you are aligned with your purpose. You are on the right track and the trials coming your way are tests to make you stronger. So, rather than wishing you were a magician, believe in your innate abilities and take action today!