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8 Strength - Tarot Card

Strength: Yes or No?

The answer to your questions is: . .. ... YES!

From the name, you are more likely to think the Strength card provides insights about your current state of physical strength. Why? Many rely on physical strength as their first choice for solving problems. If you are among the many, the Strength card invites you to try another way of dealing with life challenges. Embrace your vulnerabilities and begin fighting your battles with the help of your inner courage and strength. Picking the Strength card shows you possess inner courage and resilience to overcome adversities. 

Uncovering The Strength Card Meaning

The Strength card represents inner strength. Period! It has little to do with your physical strength. Drawing this card means it is time to pursue life opportunities while believing in your inner strengths to help you navigate life and spiritual challenges.  

Starting with the woman depicted on the card, you see her courageously tame the lion. She is a symbol of inner courage, resilience, and strength as she is able to tame the lion’s primal instincts by being gentle rather than brutal. 

So, as you face adversities in life, the Strength card teaches you about the essence of controlling your nerves. Using brutal force to solve problems can lead to potential injuries. It is a slow, tiring, and inefficient way of solving problems.

Moreover, the lion represents the untamed aspects of your psyche. And the woman symbolizes mastery over the untamed elements. This teaches you the essence of learning to coexist with your untamed side without letting it take control. 

Guidance and Warnings


Love is a beautiful thing. But it can also be angering, especially when your partner hurts you or vice versa. Drawing the Strength card encourages you to use inner control rather than getting aggressive when dealing with relationship challenges. Tame your impulses and resolve issues compassionately to maintain a harmonious and healthy relationship. 


From a career angle, getting the Strength card shows that you can take over a leadership position. This is because you have the qualities of a leader in you, including control, compassion, and courage. You can guide and inspire others through trials and hurdles with these qualities. 


The Strength card depicts mountains in the background, representing setbacks and obstacles. The same goes for the lion, with its primal instincts to take you down, just like your problems. However, the card urges you to embrace your infinite potential (represented by the infinite sign on the woman’s head) to face life’s challenges.